Local Journalism Initiative Impact

The design and launch of the Community Media Portal has been funded by the Local Journalism Initiative (the LJI) of the Department of Canadian Heritage.

Under the LJI, over 100 journalists have been placed in underserved communities and asked to produce civic content that underpins Canadian democratic life.

On this page, LJI journalists share stories about the impact their content is having on the democratic life of their communities. If you would like to comment on a story you have seen on the Portal or on its impact, please Log In or Register for an account.


Donner la parole aux citoyens

Les citoyens de la région de Charlevoix ont interpelé le Groupe le Massif quant au manque d'acceptabilité sociale de ses projets de développement. En tant que médias communautaires, TVCO a contribué à leur donner la parole. Depuis, c'est silence radio du côté de la montagne.

Lydia Duchesne - Initiative de journalisme local

Designing Safety into Toronto's Regent Park Community

I would like to submit an impact statement by one of our coop students, Lawrence Rodrigues. I am submitting Lawrence's journalistic (writing the article and video editing) work as an example how in the case of this coop student working with RPTV has influenced him personally, and how he has become aware of the wider impact of the Local Journalism Initiative.

Moins de gens sont motivés à devenir maire ou conseiller d'une municipalité

Les enjeux de la municipalité de Ste-Gertrude-Manneville ont fait réagir grandement les citoyens et citoyennes de la MRC d’Abitibi à la suite des propos tenus par le maire Pascal Rheault dans l’émission Sens Politique.

Guylaine Beauchemin – Initiative de journalisme local

Plusieurs personnes ont démontré leur soutien à la suite de l’épisode où le maire soulevait les enjeux d’être maire d’une petite municipalité de moins de 1000 habitants.

Moss Park Photo Story showcase at Rosedale Heights School of the Arts

We would like to submit the "Moss Park Photostory" as one of our impact stories covered LJI jounalist Fred Alvarado in his weekly news. It is a story that illustrates community involvement at multiple levels, and it illustrates the importance of having a local journalist to cover the event.

Facing Addiction: Strategies for Early Recognition and Support

The escalating problem of addiction in Vancouver is impacting a wide range of communities, leading to significant distress for families as they witness their youth falling victim to drugs. Schools are also grappling with challenges, as students are increasingly encountering drug offers on campus. Addressing this issue requires a concerted effort involving community interventions, educational programs, and collaboration with local authorities.

Digital Shadows: Unveiling the Hidden Harms of Cyberbullying

Our interview with Honey Khadem, the Houdini FX Lead, delving into the topic of cyberbullying, resonated profoundly with our audience. The response was particularly robust on our Facebook page. The conversation shed light on the importance of vigilance and intelligence in navigating social media platforms.

Among the numerous comments we received, Soroursadat Mirebrahimi shared a personal experience:

Bridge Removal Uproar Inspires Community to Contribute to Telile Programming and Social Media

PORT ROYAL - A story that kept changing every day - and in some cases, every hour - in late February showed the powerful connection between Isle Madame residents and Telile Community Television. 

A decision by Nova Scotia's Department of Public Works (DPW) to remove the Port Royal Bridge, a longtime transportation link for multiple communities in western Isle Madame, resulted in an angry response for several local residents. In less than a week, over 200 people had joined a Facebook group calling for preserving the bridge, which had been inactive since 2017. 

Une vidéo diffusée par TVC22 sur la prévention de l'alcool au volant a fait réagir à Clarence-Rockland

La récente diffusion d'un reportage sur la prévention de l'alcool au volant par TVC22 a suscité une réaction significative dans la population.

Izabela Daszkiewicz - Initiative de journalisme local

Une citoyenne a contacté notre rédaction pour exprimer son appréciation de l'émission. Elle a souligné qu'à une certaine époque, les annonces et les campagnes de sensibilisation contre la conduite sous l'influence de l'alcool étaient plus fréquentes.

La banque alimentaire de l'Ile Madame demande de l'aide financière

Paul Boudreau et Agnes Boudreau, respectivement le président et la trésorière de la banque alimentaire, aussi dit, La Food Bank de l’Ile Madame, discutent de l'histoire de la banque alimentaire à l’Ile Madame et comment ils les aident les communautés qui en ont grandement besoin.

Jacqueline Gerroir – Initiative de journalisme local

New Seniors' Project Benefits from LJI Coverage

PORT HAWKESBURY - A unique partnership with a new senior-oriented pilot project has Telile Community Television bringing the large 60-and-over population of the Strait Area a closer connection to issues that impact them. 

Un reportage sur les difficultés financières de l'Accueil d'Amos a fait bouger les choses : l'organisme a obtenu 150 000$

L’Accueil d’Amos avait annoncé des ruptures de services en septembre dernier, mais après quelques mois, ils ont obtenu 150 000$ du provincial, afin de continuer les services d'hébergement.

Guylaine Beauchemin – Initiative de journalisme local

Il faut se rappeler que l’Accueil d’Amos est un organisme qui vient en aide au plus démunis en offrant une banque alimentaire et un hébergement 24/7.

New Westminster Library Helps With Citizens' Media Tech Needs

The story about how the New Westminster Library makes in demand technology accessible to the public caused the most feedback from the public. Most people didn't realize that the library provides locals with learning opportunities about new and emerging technology.

L'impact de notre journaliste de l'IJL est important dans le secteur de l'éducation dans Portneuf

Un des grands enjeux dans la MRC de Portneuf est le milieu scolaire. Chaque ville ou municipalités a de grands enjeux dans l’éducation pour les jeunes et la rétention de ceux-ci sur notre territoire. Un de ces enjeux qui fait beaucoup parler ces derniers temps et pour lequel nous avons été le premier média d’information à sortir la nouvelle est la réponse négative du gouvernement face aux demandes d’une nouvelle école secondaire à Pont-Rouge.

Chantale Lépine – Initiative de journalisme local

Building a lasting legacy; the true impact of the LJI program

The LJI program will have a lasting impact for years to come. The goal of the program is to address news poverty in areas not in the spotlight. Beauval (Treaty Ten area) has no major media regularly covering events or stories. The program has allowed CIPI Radio to build a library of lasting content. The program has showed other organizations the value in creating content that reflects their community. We give a voice to the people, often in their native language.

Community media benefits nurtured by LJI grant

As Schreiber Media Centre enters it’s last quarter of what has been a rather interesting period to say the least, it seems like a good time to reflect on what exactly we have achieved. From the beginning, it was clear there just wasn’t enough happening in the small community of Schreiber to justify the hiring of a full time journalist. However it seemed important enough to establish some kind of media presence in the town. The idea of having a person dedicated to covering the events and stories of Schreiber would ultimately be worthwhile.

'Here's hoping things are finally moving forward in the right direction'

Photo: Saint John resident Heather Whittaker is pictured with her son Justice, who suffers from a rare form of epilepsy. Photo courtesy Heather Whittaker 

Heather Whittaker woke up early one morning last September to find that her basement apartment in Saint John, N.B. had flooded due to a broken pipe. 

It was the latest in a series of setbacks for Whittaker, who struggles to make ends meet on social assistance while serving as the sole caregiver for her teenage son Justice, who suffers from a rare form of epilepsy. 

Le journalisme indépendant de la TVCÉ conserve sa dignité face aux pressions politiques

La Télévision communautaire de l’Érable s’est battue pour la liberté de presse avec le pouvoir politique local, durant tout l’automne 2023, afin que la population puisse avoir droit à toute l’information sur des enjeux sociaux majeurs, tels que l’implantation d’un parc éolien dans la région, un avis d’ébullition d’eau prolongé et la censure des journalistes lors d’un conseil municipal.

Dario Luzuriaga – Initiative de journalisme local

The Controversy Surrounding African Nova Scotian Identity

This quarter has witnessed one of the most successful stories to unfold. The longstanding controversy among the Black community with a long history in Nova Scotia, often referred to as the 'Black elephant in the room', persisted for an extended period without public discussion. That changed when Robert Wright stepped forward.

LJI program for Seniors creating Increased Awareness and Community Engagement

The seniors in our community are one of the most vulnerable and marginalized sectors in our society - considering the physical limitations and other barriers for some - to actively participate in the community. Thus, it has been important to establish mechanisms for them to be able to voice their concerns and suggestions as members of the community on local television.

Dossier Northvolt : quand la réelle transparence passe par les médias régionaux

L'apport de TVR9 dans le dossier de la construction de l'usine de batteries de Northvolt a permis d'y jeter de la lumière en accordant la parole à tous les partis qui y sont liés. Qu'ils soient en faveur de l'implantation de la méga-usine comme les gouvernements, les municipalités et les gens d'affaires, ou qu'ils soient contre l'arrivée du géant suédois dans la région, comme des citoyens qui se sont mobilisés car ils sont inquiets de l'impact sur le milieu, nous nous sommes faits un devoir de montrer les deux côtés de la médaille.

Avortement : un reportage qui n’est pas passé inaperçu

Le reportage que j’ai produit pour TVRP portant sur l’accès à l’avortement en Gaspésie et ses enjeux n’est pas passé inaperçu. À tel point que la députée caquiste de Bonaventure, Catherine Blouin, adjointe au ministre de la Santé, Christian Dubé a tenu à réagir sur les révélations de mon texte.

Thierry Haroun – Initiative du journalisme local

Exploring the Mystery of Disappearances in BC

Missing persons cases evoke genuine concern and are often intricate in nature. In British Columbia (BC), as in any other region, the responsibility for handling such cases lies with law enforcement agencies. The reasons behind someone going missing can be diverse, encompassing voluntary disappearance, accidents, foul play, or other unexpected circumstances.

The Significant Issue of Homelessness in BC

Our video on homelessness in British Columbia, particularly in Vancouver, has sparked a significant response from viewers, especially on YouTube and Facebook. The narrative, which explores the complex issues surrounding homelessness, has resonated with the audience. Viewers are engaging in discussions about the root causes, sharing personal experiences, and expressing concern for the individuals facing addiction and mental health challenges.

Un bulletin de nouvelles hebdomadaire de grande qualité produit grâce à l'IJL

Malgré la crise médiatique et la perte en popularité de la télévision câblée, TVCO tire son épingle du jeu grâce à la production d’un bulletin de nouvelles hebdomadaire de grande qualité. Une reconnaissance rendue possible grâce à l’Initiative de journalisme local (IJL).

Lydia Duchesne - Initiative de journalisme local

Canada's unmarked burial sites labeled a hoax

215 ground anomalies that could be the bodies of Indigenous children that died in residential schools were discovered in Kamloops in 2021. Since then, thousands of other anomalies have been detected near residential schools across Canada. Bodies of Indigenous children are suspected to be burried outside of residential school sites too, including a suspected burial site at a former hospital in Montreal.

The Rejuvenation of Community TV and Its Impact in Fredericton

The availability of studio space in Fredericton has sparked a rejuvenation of community engagement and creativity, as local residents are now eager to produce community TV shows once more. This newfound access to studio facilities has reignited the passion for storytelling and broadcasting within the community. From heartwarming human interest stories to informative local programs, individuals are coming together to bring their unique perspectives to life through television.

The development of Montreal's New Transit System Comes with an Ecological Cost

Montreal’s light rail transit system, the Réseau express métropolitain, is developing a station next to one of the city’s most biodiverse parks. Part of the RÉM will tunnel under Technoparc, where multiple sinkholes have occurred since development began.

Local 514 looks into the risk the development not only poses for Technoparc, but in Montreal’s efforts to avoid climate catastrophe.

BCM's Spotlight on Barrie: Addressing Addiction, Homelessness, and Indigenous Matters Through Journalism

Local journalism serves as the community's eyes and ears, highlighting issues that often go unnoticed or misunderstood on larger platforms. At BCM, we've not only covered these issues but have also been a catalyst for change and understanding.

Last quarter we hosted a panel discussion addressing the acute addiction issues that disproportionately affect Indigenous communities. The dialogue was inspired by the report "Getting to Tomorrow," a collective effort by the Canadian Drug Policy Coalition, John Howard Society, Indigenous Harm Reduction Network, and the Gilbert Centre. 

Donner du pouvoir à la communauté : initiative d'éducation intégrée et de journalisme civique de TVC22

Dans le cadre de sa reprise post-pandémique, TVC22, une station de télévision communautaire bilingue, intègre l'éducation à sa plateforme de communication et de diffusion.

Izabela Daszkiewicz – Initiative de Journalisme Local

Désormais, les étudiants, les nouveaux venus dans l'industrie, les bénévoles, ainsi que d'autres employés, ont la possibilité de collaborer étroitement au sein de TVC22. Cela leur permet d'apprendre à manier le matériel audiovisuel et d'acquérir des compétences qui les accompagneront tout au long de leur vie professionnelle.

LJI Program Impact - Local Schools Adopting Content Into Curriculum; Inspiring Other Communities to Create Video Content

The coverage of the annual Elder's Gathering at Pinehouse Lake Saskatchewan is a showcase of traditional Treaty Ten lifestyles and practices. Documenting the elder's perspectives and stories of life in the past and modern day challenges with our format was well received and appreciated. Students, families and elders were invited from the Treaty Six and Eight territories which made the gathering a successful exchange of cultures of the Metis, Cree and Dene.

CHCO-TV Featured In WIRED Magazine

CHCO-TV is featured as the lead profile in WIRED Magazine's article "Meta’s News Block Causes Chaos as Canada Burns" by Tracey Lindeman on August 28, 2023. The feature story looks at how Meta's decision to block news sites in Canada in response to Bill C-18 is impacting newsrooms across the country, especially in times of wildfires when information in critical. 

The article opens by describing how CHCO-TV has effectively used Facebook to keep its rural Southwest New Brunswick informed for years:

CHCO-TV Receives Employer Recognition Award From InclusionNB

During Disability Awareness Week 2023 in New Brunswick, CHCO-TV, an independent community television station based in St. Andrews, NB, received the 2023 Employer Recognition Award from InclusionNB for their role in the community working with both volunteers and paid employees with disabilities.

Empowered by love for humanity

I'm Sherry Soltani, from Skyrise Media Society, a journalist with LJI. Over the past three months, my programs have resonated strongly with viewers, generating numerous impactful stories that I'm covering for the Farsi-speaking community in the Lower Mainland of BC.

Among them, the exploration of Systematic Racism and Racism stood out as the most influential.

Grandparent Scams in Farsi

I'm Majid Mahichi of Skyrise Media, and a recent addition to the Cactus journalism team. My focus revolves around collaborating with the community to tackle civic issues in BC.

A significant concern we've been addressing is raising awareness among Vancouver area residents about scammers who attempt to exploit people in various ways.

This episode reached a wide audience through various social media platforms and the Shaw multicultural channel, garnering a substantial viewership.

Victoria Nanneti Impact Statement

I would like to submit the impact statement of one of our community members, Victoria Nanneti, who progressed form summer student to news reporter to seeing this experience develop into a career path.