Bocabec And Chamcook, NB Forest Fire Blazes Near St. Andrews

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Bocabec And Chamcook, NB Forest Fire Blazes Near St. Andrews

A massive forest fire in Bocabec and Chamcook on Sunday has forced a number of people to evacuate their homes.

The blaze broke out at approximately 1:30pm due to an ATV fire in the woods, and quickly spread across Bocabec and parts of Chamcook. Smoke was visible from kilometres away, and by 8pm the fire was already about 75 hectares in size, and continued to grow into the night hours.

Multiple water bombers were called in to help to contain and suppress the wildfire.

Evacuation orders were issued for parts of Bocabec and Chamcook with first responders going door-to-door in affected areas to ensure residents were informed.

Many residents have also had to evacuate livestock. 

The W.C. O’Neill Arena in Saint Andrews is open as a comfort centre. The Canadian Red Cross is providing cots for evacuees, and the Town of Saint Andrews is currently providing food. Many local inns and hotels have aldo offered beds. Robert Taylor, an evacuated resident of Bocabec Cove, plans to spend the night at the arena but says sleep won't come easy worrying about what he may have lost in the fire. 

"I'm totally displaced, and the information that I have is that we will get an update tomorrow at noon," said Taylor. "I'd like to go home, but they say it is too dangerous."

Magaguadavic Place in St. George is also open for evacuees. Water bombers have been called off for the night and will resume at sunrise but, meanwhile, the fire is raging on. Multiple homes have already been destroyed but it is too soon to know how many. 

There is no word yet on when evacuees, some of whom are staying here tonight at the WC O'Neill Arena, will be able to return home. 


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Video Upload Date: May 29, 2023

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