CHCO-TV NewsBreak26 with Vicki Hogarth: January 14, 2024

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CHCO-TV NewsBreak26 with Vicki Hogarth: January 14, 2024

Need a family doctor? St. Stephen event connects residents to primary care

If you don't have a family doctor, you're not alone. According to the New Brunswick Health Council, approximately 1 in 5 New Brunswickers doesn't have a primary care provider—that's nearly 180,000 people across the province.

This health care crisis is putting pressure on local communities to find innovative solutions. In Southwest New Brunswick where a number of local physicians are also nearing retirement, one local organization has stepped up to help before the situation becomes more dire.

The Southwest New Brunswick Service Commission is hosting an NB Health Link Registration Event to connect residents with much-needed primary care. 

"We have an event scheduled for January 22 at the Garcelon Civic Centre. It is to assist residents in signing up for NB Health Link, which is a provincial tool to register if you need access to a primary care provider," said Charlane Hatt, one of the organizers of the event from the Southwest New Brunswick Service Commission. "We had a sense that it was needed in the community."

While waiting for a permanent care provider, NB Health Link allows registered patients to be connected to a network of health care professionals who can provide in-person, telephone, or online appointments. The event at the Garcelon, which takes place from 10am to 4pm on January 22, is a one-stop shop where residents can sign up for NB Health Link with the help of trained staff and volunteers.

"We will have volunteers that will be on site to help register people, and they will explain what to expect after the fact and what NB Health Link can provide," said Hatt.

For those with transportation challenges, Charlotte Dial-A-Ride is providing free rides to the event but require 48 hours notice. Participants don't need to register for the event but should bring their Medicare card. Once registered with NB Health Link, patients can book appointments for routine care, prescription renewals, and referrals to specialists. 

Hatt says there has been an outpouring of feedback from the community expressing interest in attending, so this might be the first of many for the region.

St. Andrews welcomes top teams for 2025 Provincial Women’s Curling Championship

The Heather Curling Club in St. Andrews is hosting the 2025 New Brunswick Provincial Women’s Curling Championship this week. The highly anticipated tournament will take place from January 15th to 19th at the WC O’Neill Arena, drawing seven of the province’s top teams to compete for a spot at the national Scotties Tournament of Hearts in Thunder Bay this February.

Preparations for the five-day event have been underway since March, with volunteers and organizers putting in countless hours to ensure a smooth competition. Tournament Chairperson Roger McNabb says the club’s long history has prepared them well for hosting events of this scale.

“In the last couple of weeks, we’ve been at quite a hectic pace here getting everything ready. But of course, our 100-plus years here at the Heather Curling Club equips us quite well to put on these events," said McNabb. "We think we’ll have everything in place so the competitors can focus on one thing only, and that’s their curling game.”

The tournament kicks off Wednesday evening with opening ceremonies at 5 p.m., followed by practice sessions. The competition begins Thursday.

With its storied 102-year history and reputation for hosting major tournaments, the Heather Curling Club is set to once again showcase the best of New Brunswick curling in beautiful St. Andrews by-the-Sea.

“We are known for our hospitality and we have the greatest ice here east of Montreal,” said McNabb.


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Video Upload Date: January 14, 2025

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