The Housing Crisis in New Brunswick: A Call to Action

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The Housing Crisis in New Brunswick: A Call to Action

In a presentation delivered in January 2025 in collaboration with CHCO-TV at the WC O'Neill Arena Theatre in St. Andrews, New Brunswick, Peter Corbyn, the Executive Director of the New Brunswick Nonprofit Housing Association (NBNPHA), tackled one of the province’s most pressing issues: the housing crisis. Corbyn framed the crisis as not only an economic challenge but also a moral imperative, urging the audience to join in the collective effort to address homelessness and provide affordable housing.

Vicki Hogarth – Local Journalism Initiative

Corbyn began by outlining the stark realities faced by New Brunswick residents, pointing to the severe shortage of affordable housing units and the increasing demand for housing assistance. "We are truly challenged to get more affordable housing built," he noted, emphasizing the urgency of the situation. As of 2021, the province was already short by over 20,000 affordable housing units, a gap that continues to widen each year.

However, Corbyn’s presentation was not solely focused on the difficulties at hand. He also highlighted promising solutions, including the 12 Neighbours project in Fredericton, an initiative led by entrepreneur Marcel LeBrun that provides tiny homes for individuals experiencing homelessness. "Marcel and his team are doing remarkable work, offering not just shelter but a supportive community," Corbyn praised, showcasing how grassroots efforts are helping to mitigate the crisis.

The presentation featured moving testimonies from individuals who had experienced homelessness firsthand, such as Jamie Wilson and Anthony Hall. Wilson, now settled in a Rising Tide Community Initiatives apartment, shared his heartfelt appreciation for his new home: "For the first time, I have a home of my own, and it’s changed my life." Hall echoed this sentiment, emphasizing the transformative power of stable housing in rebuilding one’s life.

Corbyn also recognized the critical contributions of local organizations such as Neighbourhood Works and the Charlotte County Housing Council, encouraging the audience to support these groups through donations and participation in their fundraising activities. The presentation culminated with a call to action, urging attendees to advocate for increased government funding for nonprofit housing initiatives and to engage directly in housing solutions.

In a poignant conclusion, Corbyn framed the housing crisis as a moral issue, not a political one, emphasizing the collective responsibility to act. "We need to provide housing for those less fortunate," he said, his words resonating deeply with the audience. His passionate address served as a call for systemic change and community involvement, inspiring hope and action in the fight for safe, affordable housing for all.


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Video Upload Date: February 3, 2025

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