Many infrastructure investments for the region's future

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Many infrastructure investments for the region's future

Mario Zanth, Mayor of the City of Clarence-Rockland, explains how the City plans to respond to the increased growth.

Benjamin Richard - Local Journalism Initiative

“We draw it from the river and last time I checked it was full, we’ve got water to spare” said the mayor. Thanks to $18.8 million in funding from the province, the City of Clarence-Rockland was able to invest in the water system to ensure that it could meet the city's growing needs, as well as continue to supply The Nation municipality.

“The province has made it impossible for us to stop, bill 23 is very clear on encouraging growth, unfortunately we just don’t seem to have the funding that we need from the province to actually cope with that” said Mario Zanth explaining the importance of continuing to receive financial support from the province.

More hope for future infrastructure in the city.

“We’re excited about putting Clarence-Rockland on the map for tennis and racket sports and pickleball. We did it with the CIH with great success, [...] those kids will remember that they were in Clarence-Rockland.” Plans for future infrastructure in the area include a tennis academy, the SCORE Tennis Academy, as well as a future French-language public high school, both of which would be the first of their kind in the town, and one right next to the other.

As for the development of the industrial park, Zanth adds, “and it’s actually going to feed a lot of the businesses that are there [...] I think all stand to benefit from an increase of activities in this area.”


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Video Upload Date: November 5, 2024

TVC22 is an independent not-for-profit organization founded in 1990 as a community TV station.  The mission of TVC22 is to highlight the Clarence-Rockland and surrounding community through the production and dissemination of TV projects that speak to the concerns of the local population while encouraging community involvement in the different stages of production.


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