Navigating Parenthood Alone: Challenges and Support for Single Mothers in North Vancouver

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Navigating Parenthood Alone: Challenges and Support for Single Mothers in North Vancouver

In North Vancouver, single mothers face distinct challenges that deeply affect their mental health, well-being, and ability to care for their families. Financial instability, limited childcare options, and societal stigma create a heavy burden, leaving many feeling isolated and unsupported.

Samira Gholami, a volunteer TV host and youth advocate, recently interviewed Saba Hessamian, a Registered Clinical Counsellor, to explore these struggles and the resources available to help.

Saba began by outlining the relentless pressures single mothers endure. “Balancing work, childcare, and household responsibilities without adequate support can feel impossible,” she said. These demands often lead to burnout. “Burnout happens when mothers operate in survival mode without time to rest or recharge, significantly impacting their mental and physical health.”

Samira offered her perspective on the stress of caring for a sick child. “It’s not just about looking after the child—it’s also missing work, losing income, and falling behind on other responsibilities,” she explained. These disruptions amplify the financial and emotional strain single mothers already face.

The discussion shifted to intersectionality, a key factor in understanding their experiences. “Intersectionality reveals how privilege and discrimination intersect to shape each person’s reality,” Samira explained. Single mothers from marginalized backgrounds often encounter additional barriers related to ethnicity, socioeconomic status, and immigration. Saba agreed, noting, “Societal stigma and workplace discrimination further isolate single mothers, making it harder for them to seek help or feel supported.”

Saba highlighted several local resources available to single mothers:

  • Thrive Family Programs: Free drop-in services offering parenting support, food assistance, and activities for parents and children aged 0–6.
  • MOMS Canada: Support groups and resources for single mothers to connect and share experiences.
  • North Shore Women’s Centre: Programs and referrals tailored to women’s needs.
  • Spectrum Mother’s Society: Holistic support through workshops, advocacy, and peer-led initiatives.
  • Family Services of the North Shore: Counseling, parenting support, and practical assistance for families.

“These resources provide both practical and emotional support, fostering a sense of community for single mothers,” Saba said.

On coping strategies, Saba emphasized self-care. “Even small acts, like mindfulness exercises or a few minutes of relaxation, can help manage stress,” she said, encouraging single mothers to seek counselling and build supportive networks to combat isolation.

Samira stressed the need for systemic change. “Affordable childcare and workplace flexibility are not luxuries—they’re essential for single mothers to thrive,” she said.

The conversation ended with a call for greater understanding and reform. “By reducing stigma, increasing access to resources, and addressing systemic inequalities, we can empower single mothers to overcome these obstacles and build better futures for themselves and their children,” Samira concluded.

Their dialogue underscored the resilience of single mothers in North Vancouver and the vital role of community support and systemic solutions in helping them thrive.


Guest: Saba Hessamian, Registered Clinical Counsellor

Volunteer Host: Samira Gholami

Producer and Journalist: Sherry Soltani

Platform: Skyrise Media Society


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Video Upload Date: December 27, 2024

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