Neepawa Public Library: The Power of Shared Access Across Western Manitoba Branches

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Neepawa Public Library: The Power of Shared Access Across Western Manitoba Branches

Dave Bennet, the volunteer host of NACTV, interviewed Caitlin Henderson, the new Branch Supervisor of the Neepawa Public Library. During the interview, Henderson shared her background and how she became involved with the library. She also highlighted the various services and programs available at the library, giving insight into what the community can take advantage of.

Liway Cabrera – Local Journalism Initiative

“The Western Regional Manitoba Library, that’s what we are a part of now and it includes places like Brandon is the head of the whole region there and then we got like Hartney and Grassland, Glenboro, us, places like that. And we have some agreements with some other RMs and municipalities that are nearby, some of those communities. Anybody who are residing in those places can get a membership for free. If you are not in those places, that’s were sadly there’s a small fee.” said Henderson.

When it comes to the age groups of users she mentioned that it’s an evenly broken up group but as most public libraries, the hardest group to bring is teenagers. Despite this challenge, the Neepawa Library has managed to establish some regular groups or programs that successfully attract and engage teenagers, which is a positive accomplishment.

Aside from books, the Neepawa Library offers other resources such as audio books, magazines, Radon testing kits, telescope and puzzles. There are also two public computers which are available for anybody, library members or not and public WIFI as well. It also provides some kids and adult activities such as crafts, story time and book clubs which provides opportunities for interaction and socialization.

Henderson highlighted the importance of being connected to the regional library which is no longer having to worry about whether a specific book or audio book is available at their local branch; they can simply request it from another location within the system. This seamless access to a vast array of materials encourages library usage and ensures that no one is left behind simply due to the limitations of their local branch’s physical space and resources.




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Video Upload Date: November 30, 2024

As Neepawa and area’s local access television station, NACTV has been serving the community since 1977. The station is a community-owned not-for-profit organisation that broadcasts 24 hours a day and reaches homes throughout Manitoba and Canada on Bell ExpressVu 592, MTS Channel 30/1030, and WCG 117 as well as streaming online at

NACTV’s content is primarily filmed and produced by local volunteers and focuses on issues, activities, achievements, sports, and news by, about, and of interest to our community.  

Neepawa is located in western Manitoba, about two hours west of Winnipeg and 45 minutes southeast of Riding Mountain National Park.


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