"Numbers are very low and very stable" says Chief Medical Officer

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TVC22, Eastern Ontario Health Unit
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"Numbers are very low and very stable" says Chief Medical Officer

As Covid-19 numbers in the Eastern Ontario Health Unit (EOHU) continue to be “very stable, very low [in the province]”, Dr. Paul Roumeliotis, Chief medical officer of the EOHU, takes this chance to focus primarily on vaccination numbers. 
No new cases were reported over the weekend, and there are currently no hospitalizations and no outbreaks.  Sadly, 1 death has occurred, bringing the total number of deaths to 111. Dr. Paul confirms that the 3 most recent deaths were of people who had not been yet vaccinated. There are currently 0 active cases in Clarence-Rockland, and 0 in the UCPR.
Dr. Paul mentions that with the success of Step 2, Step 3 will be occurring sometime in the next 3 weeks. 
To ease any fears regarding the delta variant, Dr. Paul says that in the last month we have only had 1 case so far.
Dr. Paul then gives a presentation that summarizes the vaccination efforts in the EOHU since the beginning. 
As of July 5, 200,000 doses will have been delivered in the EOHU, with each month’s administration growing exponentially. Approx. 138,591 are first doses, while 60,306 are 2nd doses. Currently, the EOHU is predominantly administering 2nd doses, with Dr. Paul saying that this is a step in the right direction. Approximately 80 percent of the EOHU has received their first dose, while 35% have received their 2nd. 
Dr. Paul points out that younger age groups (12-17, 18-29) still don’t have enough vaccinations, urging them to get vaccinated in walk-in pop up clinics that don’t require an appointment if you are 12-17.
Dr. Paul also says that the walk-in rules apply to those who have not received their first dose.
The EOHU will continue to accelerate its efforts, and will attempt to double the amount of 2nd doses they are currently administering. They will accomplish this with the 42 clinics they have booked during July, including the clinics that will be operating 7 days a week from July 12th-July 30th in order to increase efficiency. 
When asked about why some of these clinics are not available to book on the website, Dr. Paul assures everyone that it is simply a website issue and that people will be able to book soon. Dr. Paul says that with the way things are going, it is very likely the majority of the EOHU will be fully vaccinated by mid-August.
On a final note, Dr. Paul addresses the small number of people who are anxious about getting their vaccine, and that to look to their primary caregivers for advice.


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Video Upload Date: July 6, 2021

TVC22 is an independent not-for-profit organization founded in 1990 as a community TV station.  The mission of TVC22 is to highlight the Clarence-Rockland and surrounding community through the production and dissemination of TV projects that speak to the concerns of the local population while encouraging community involvement in the different stages of production.


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