Region 7 Holds Events for Citizens to Connect to Culture

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Samantha Loney
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Region 7 Holds Events for Citizens to Connect to Culture

This July, Region 7 will be hosting various events where you can connect to Metis Culture.

The Penetanguishene Centennial Museum’s current exhibit, The Gifts of Georgian Bay: A Metis Celebration of Water and Earth, will be running throughout the summer until September 5. The exhibit features local Metis artists like Patti Belanger, Vicki Jenkins and Joe Jesseau.

On July 12, the Penetanguishene Public Library will be holding a Michif Language Information session at 10 am. This event is in partnership with the Georgian Bay Metis Council. If citizens cannot attend this session, they will be able to sign up for another session that will be happening in August.

On July 20th, the Great Lakes Metis Council’s Annual Fish Fry will take place from 10 am to 3 pm at the Hibou Conservation Area. Citizens are welcome to attend all day to spend time in nature, while lunch is served at noon.

On July 23, the Metis Nation of Ontario’s Family Wellness Program will be hosting a scavenger hunt at Gull Lake in Gravenhurst from 4 pm to 5 pm. Families who complete the scavenger hunt will be in the running to take home a prize. Citizens who wish to participate must register by July 18.

For citizens living in Barrie, the City of Barrie’s Arts and Culture Department is now accepting nominations for the Barrie Arts Awards. If you would like to nominate an artist, visit . All nominees must either be a resident of Barrie or have had an impact on the Barrie arts community.



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Video Upload Date: July 7, 2024

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