Understanding Microaggression and their Negative Effects on Others

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Understanding Microaggression and their Negative Effects on Others

Robyn Penner, a champion for fairness and acceptance, shares her experiences and knowledge about a tricky issue: microaggressions. These little comments might seem small but can hurt people, especially those from different cultures or backgrounds.

Penner's journey started with her family, comprised of people from different cultures. She noticed how her kids were sometimes treated differently because of their skin colour or what they wore. This made her want to make places, like workplaces, more welcoming for everyone.

Microaggressions can be sneaky. They're comments or actions that might not seem like a big deal, but they can make people feel left out or uncomfortable. Penner explains that even if we don't mean any harm, these comments can still hurt others. The good news is that once we know better, we can do better. Penner teaches people to recognize and stop these hurtful comments. "It's about being aware of the impact of our words and choosing to be kind and inclusive instead."

Penner also believes in owning up to mistakes. "If we realize we've said something hurtful, apologizing and trying to do better is really important. It's all about learning and growing together."

Penner's hope is that by working together and being allies to one another, we can build a world where everyone feels respected and valued. She's a guiding light for creating spaces where everyone belongs, no matter who they are or where they come from.

Penner's message is simple yet powerful: inclusion starts with each of us. By being mindful of our words and actions, we can create environments where everyone feels accepted and valued. Through education and empathy, we can break down barriers and foster genuine connections across diverse backgrounds. Penner reminds us that change begins with awareness and action, inspiring us to be advocates for equity and understanding in our communities and workplaces.



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Video Upload Date: April 17, 2024

U Multicultural is the ethnocultural media channel established with the objective of serving the diverse communities and contributing to the dynamic multicultural identity of Manitoba and Canada by offering accessible multi-ethnic television and radio services that offer information programming and other high-quality programming focused on ethnocultural communities of Canada.


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