Côte-des-Neiges–Notre-Dame-de-Grâce Aims to Make Neighbourhood's Metro Stations More Accessible

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Côte-des-Neiges–Notre-Dame-de-Grâce Aims to Make Neighbourhood's Metro Stations More Accessible

Montreal's Côte-des-Neiges–Notre-Dame-de-Grâce (NDG) neighbourhood held a council meeting, so what was discussed? Lets take a look...

Councillor Gracia Kasoki Katahwa announced a mix of back to in person & hybrid meetings will come in April.

Kasoki Katahwa she was Shocked and outraged by Ukraine being invaded by Russia and expressed solidarity with Ukraine and the Ukrainian community. She gave her support to refugees for the invasion and made a necessary effort to welcome refugees into Montreal.

Councillor Peter McQueen announced that elevators are coming to metro station Villa Maria within a year, a vital move, as Montreal has been called out for inaccessibility issues, especially in the city's metro stations. McQueen said all NDG area metros will have elevators, as the council is pushing to make metros more accessible.

McQueen urged residents to not redirect the hate towards Russian and Russian businesses here in Canada as a result of Russia's invasion in Ukraine.

Councillor Sonny Moroz would like to add a motion to support local organizations that promote community support and community leadership programs for families, individuals and communities impacted by tragedies, such as the Jannai Bailey-Dopwell case. Sixteen-year-old Bailey-Dopwell was stabbed outside his school in the Côte-des-Neiges neighbourhood last fall.

Moroz made a point to discuss that they hope the motion will provide attention on the impact it had on the family further. The family closest to the victim has not been able to receive support and services (including mental health support) from the provincial government – who helps victims of crime – because of some press articles wrongfully identifying Bailey-Dopwell as the member of a gang. 

What else happened at this meeting? Check out our video to watch full meeting.



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Video Upload Date: April 4, 2022

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