Foodarama Brings the Arab Community Together to Share their Historical Heritage

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Foodarama Brings the Arab Community Together to Share their Historical Heritage

The Arab Society in Manitoba held a Foodrama event and gathered members of the Arab communities in one place to share their clothes and food. This event is a good opportunity to introduce young people and children to the history of their countries of origin. In addition, Arab families can get to know each other and build new relationships that contribute to their stability in Winnipeg.

The twenty first episode of "Civic Platform" features Amani Kattan, Board member, Canadian Arab Association of Manitoba, CAAM- Winnipeg. Kattan speaks about the event and its importance to the Arab community.

Kattan also explained that through these activities, the Arab child can learn about the history of his fathers and grandfathers and how their lives were in the past. Kattan tells us about the agenda of the event and what will contain, fashion show, Arab food, and folk dances.

Zuher Almusre also spoke with Rana Abdulla, Collector of Palestinian traditional costume. Chartered Professional accountant and mother of four daughters, Winnipeg. Abdulla was an important addition to the event, as she was responsible for the Arab traditional clothing and was organizing the entry of fashion models to the audience during the event.

Abdulla tells us important historical information about the history of Arab heritage and her role in preserving Arab history in Canada. Abdulla gave important advice to the Arab parents in raising their children properly, to preserve the identity of their Arab children.

There is more and more so watch our episode and we are waiting for your feedback in the comments.

Contact Zuher Almusre, our civic journalist, to share your story and explore civic issues at

Stay tuned for more Civic discussions on Civic Platform.



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Video Upload Date: June 23, 2022

U Multicultural is the ethnocultural media channel established with the objective of serving the diverse communities and contributing to the dynamic multicultural identity of Manitoba and Canada by offering accessible multi-ethnic television and radio services that offer information programming and other high-quality programming focused on ethnocultural communities of Canada.


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