Barrie Launches Comprehensive Refresh of Community Safety and Well-Being Plan Amid Rising Concerns

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Barrie Launches Comprehensive Refresh of Community Safety and Well-Being Plan Amid Rising Concerns

During the December Community Safety Committee and Barrie Police Services Board meetings for the City of Barrie, council members and the police department discussed various issues.

Deepak Bidwai – Local Journalism Initiative

The Barrie Police Services Board meeting highlighted rising community concerns, including increases in auto theft, domestic violence, and drug-related activities. Efforts to address these challenges included arrests, proactive investigations, and impaired driving initiatives. Community support programs, such as food drives and holiday events, were emphasized, alongside leadership training and recruitment to enhance community policing and engagement.

At the Community Safety Committee meeting, Karie Warnar of Avail Consulting proposed a focused refresh of Barrie's Community Safety and Well-Being Plan (CSWP) to validate progress, address gaps, and streamline priorities. The plan includes resident and provider surveys, targeted stakeholder engagements, and strategy sessions to ensure actionable, evidence-based outcomes. Emphasizing inclusivity, the process integrates feedback from diverse groups and individuals with lived experiences. 

In January 2024, Barrie will launch surveys, engagement sessions, and interviews to gather comprehensive community input and finalize strategic priorities. Between February and March 2024, provider strategy sessions and truthing workshops will be held to refine and validate the proposed updates. The refreshed Community Safety and Well-Being Plan will be finalized and presented, with a detailed final report expected by April 2024, ensuring alignment with Barrie’s evolving needs.


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Video Upload Date: December 31, 2024

Simcoe Community Media is a non-profit media organization based in Barrie, Ontario, specializing in civic journalism. Our mission is to foster an informed, connected, and vibrant community by amplifying diverse voices and perspectives, promoting transparency, and encouraging public discourse.

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