Affordable Housing Project Proposed for Saint Andrews at Site of Former Blue Moon Motel

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Affordable Housing Project Proposed for Saint Andrews at Site of Former Blue Moon Motel

A developer in Saint Andrews is hoping to build a 42-unit affordable housing unit at the former location of the Blue Moon Motel. Tressa Bevington of Compass Housing presented plans for a rental complex, called The Compass, that will include 36 two-bedroom units and six one-bedroom units all with office space and access to on-site laundry.

Compass Housing a local developing group that is responsible for two other major housing projects in the region. Within the last decade, Compass developed the 37-unit Anchors Landing in Saint Andrews, which is primarily focused on affordable housing for seniors, and the Beacon, a 50-unit St. Stephen building.  

Tressa Bevington and her father Gerald Ingersoll are the faces of Compass housing. Bevington was born and raised in Saint Andrews with Ingersoll moving to the region over four decades earlier. 

"What really need is high density housing, and this is going to be the best place for it," said Bevington to Saint Andrews Town council at the second regular meeting for the month of June. 

Saint Andrews currently has a 2.5% vacancy rate in Saint Andrews, which means approximately two units are available at the current moment in the entire town. A healthy vacancy rate is between 3% and 5%.

Bevington presented Compass's plans for the Blue Moon location for an afforable housing unit with the hopes that the town will consider entering into a partnership agreement with Compass to ensure the town has more afforable housing to offer the community. Bevington said she hopes to prioritize people who are employed at minimum wage salaries in the region so that there can be more housing available to workers to therefore benefit the entire business community.


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Submitted by Jean Thomerson (not verified) on Thu, 08/17/2023 - 11:34

How can I find out about the new affordable housing being built at the former Blue Moon Motel

Submitted by CHCO-TV (not verified) on Thu, 08/17/2023 - 12:02

In reply to by Jean Thomerson (not verified)

The Compass is still in the development phase, but CHCO-TV just spoke with developer Tressa Bevington and she said she will have an update soon on when rental units will be available.

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Video Upload Date: June 24, 2022

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