Quebec Premier Turns Down Montreal's Green Pact

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Quebec Premier Turns Down Montreal's Green Pact

The City of Montreal wants to propose a green pact for parties running in the upcoming municipal election. The green pact would make infrastructures more efficient, through the water and road network over the next 5 years.

Montreal Mayor Valerie Plante met with Quebec Premier François Legault to discuss developing a program to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The meeting was Legault's third stop on the Island of Montreal since the beginning of the election campaign. This followed his visit to the ridings of Maurice-Richard and Anjou-Louis-Riel.

A day after this meeting, Legault held a press conference rejecting a $10 billion green pact request by Plante and other mayors from major cities in Quebec. Legault stated that the Coalition Avenir Québec (CAQ) already has a $7 billion green economy plan.

Legault said the CAQ's plan will be well received by large cities in the province.

During Montreal's executive council meeting, Plante said she is alarmed by weapon attacks in two schools in Montreal. She said the fight against armed violence is a marathon (guessing she means long term and that everybody has to work to get rid of it, but work is being done on the field. Plante added that the city of Montreal, the SPVM, community organizations, and schools are all working together to address the issue. 

Montreal received additional money from the Quebec government to increase staff and support EMIS, a non police intervention method that would address non-violent police calls. The CAQ provided $250 million to Montreal last month to add police resources.

Plante said the Quebec government must ban legal weapons and control the trafficking of illegal weapons.




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Video Upload Date: September 19, 2022

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